Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
"Preach the Gospel at all times;
when necessary, use words."
--St. Francis of Assisi
God calls everyone to reach out and share the Gospel. Jesus commands us to help "the least of these brothers and sisters." The roles people play to serve God in Christ can look very different depending upon unique gifts, skills, talents, interests and experiences. Our programs are intended to respond to God's call while allowing us to use our individual and various gifts.
Church by the Pond
Lunch in the Park
We participate in the Church by the Pond and Lunch in the Park programs throughout the year. Father Patrick preaches and shares the Eucharist with those who come together in Bushnell Park to worship on Saturday afternoons at 2 o'clock. Before the service, we prepare and bag lunches in the parish kitchen. The lunches, water, prayer shawls and other gifts are distributed bagged lunches to whoever is hungry or in need.
Refugee Resettlement
We're a member of Citizens of the World, a four-parish coalition organized to resettle a family in the Greater Hartford Area. We're walking with a Syrian refugee family and will continue to provide support and assistance with food, housing, employment, healthcare, public benefits, education and friendship until they are settled and independent.
Community Meals
We prepare and serve hot meals to people experiencing homeless and to the working poor in Hartford throughout the year. It's part of the coordinated by Hands on Hartford's Community Meals Program.
Global Outreach
In partnership with Kateri Medical Services we donate money, raise funds through concerts, and help secure grants to support the construction of medical clinics for the rural poor in Nigeria.
Habitat for Humanity
We offer our time and talent to help build, rehabilitate and repair affordable homes in order to help families achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance they need to build a better future. In addition, we frequently have the opportunity to volunteer at various Habitat ReStore locations throughout the area.
Grocery Ministries
Whether for local food banks, social workers or social service agencies, we continually collect non-perishable food items and items not eligible for SNAP benefits, e.g. diapers, soap, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and the like. Receptacles are located in the church for ease of donation.