Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
This is the holiest time of the year for us as we remember, celebrate and participate in the passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. May you experience God's love in a deeper and more intimate way this year.
Palm Sunday, April 2, 8am & 10am - Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and the triumphant ride of Jesus into Jerusalem. Join us as our parish family sings for joy and remembers Jesus' entry.
Holy Monday, April 3, 7pm - Holy Monday we gather for Evening Prayer remembering Jesus' meal with Lazarus, Martha and Mary in Bethany, a pre-anointing of Jesus for what is to come later in the week.
Holy Tuesday, April 4, Lenten Soup & Series 12pm & 6pm - Join us for soup and fellowship while we view The Chosen with a discussion afterward.
Holy Wednesday, April 5, 7pm - We gather for the service of Tenebrae, a service of darkness and shadows. We enter into the darkness of the next few days being reminded that the light of Christ shines even then.
Maundy Thursday, April 6, 7pm - We remember how Jesus loves us to the very end. Join us for our traditional Mac & Cheese Dinner at 6pm in the parish hall, and then join us for the service and foot washing in the church at 7pm. Immediately following the service we will begin our prayer vigil throughout the night. This is an opportunity to come for an hour and pray, read scripture, and wait upon our Savior.
Good Friday, April 7, 12pm & 7 - Our noon day service is reflective where we remember the final seven words Jesus shared on the cross. Join us are we remember these words and their significance on our life today. At 7pm we have our traditional Good Friday service with music.
Holy Saturday, April 8, 10pm - Our Easter celebration begins with the Easter Vigil when we remember through word, music and prayer the fullness of God's salvation story. It marks the beginning of New Creation in the resurrection and our recommitment to following Jesus today.
Easter Sunday, April 9, 8am & 10am - Join us in celebration of Easter by shouting with joy that our Lord and Savior is risen!